Friday, September 17, 2010

Democracy DQ 2 and Chapter 2

After watching the video about the young women in the jean factory, the owner of Lifeng expressed that everyone is equal and business in the factory is excellent.  Even though business is good, are employees happy working in such an environment? Dictatorship is defined as a politcal system in which one person or party exercises abosulute politcal control over the population.  The type of dictatorship that China still practices is communist totalitarianism.  Using that type of dictatorship sets the country up for huge politcal risk.  Chaos, protests, and breakdowns happen all over the world because of their politcal system.  " But put them all together, and they should make headlines, since their plight goes to the heart of the frustration of living in a ‘people’s democratic dictatorship’ where justice is as much an agency of the state as the police themselves." (written by Peter Foster 2009).  Many people in China are upset but the government keeps throwing them in all sorts of directions.