Sunday, December 5, 2010

Global Sustainability

Global sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.  Global sustainability not only refers to a natural and sustainable environment, but also sustainable capitalism.  During the 21st century, global sustainability is tied along three topics: 1)increasing population, poverty, and equity. 2) Global exchange increases, and power of national government decreases. 3)  Effects from industrialization are major concern ( Global warming, water pollution etc).
The third topic is very important and many companies should start finding better ways to control pollution and other environmental concerns.  Citizens are angry because companies should be able to take responsibilities for the problems they have caused.  For example,  companies that over fish should be penalized because fish species are decreasing.  Fishing companies should come up with programs to restore fish populations.  The first topic is important because if you reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development, then the world would better.  Since there are lower natural resources, people who relied on the resources to live are becoming poorer and their living conditions worsen.