Saturday, October 2, 2010


"Outsourcing refers to a company that contracts with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees." I think outsourcing is an important topic in the world today because many companies are having their numbers and paper work handled by other companies around the world.  I think it is a great idea to have the small issues taken care by other companies because the business can focus on other important issues.  Outsourcing allows the business to have lower over head and the cost of hiring somone to do the work saves the business money.  Even though there are disadvantages for outsourcing such as, lack of communication between consumers and company, there are much more advantages. 
My family owns a fishing business in which they buy fishing products from a retailer who has his products manufactured in Thailand.  He travels there every year to see his products and what kind of designs they come up with.  The resources to make the fishing lures is cheaper in Thailand than it would be in the United States. Also, the cost of labor is very cheap.  If I owned a company, I would definetly outsource my manufacturing as long as I was providing my customers with a quality product.

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